7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure

7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure
7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure

Soap operas, with their twisty plots and emotional roller coasters, have a knack for leaving us hanging. And ‘The Bold and The Beautiful’, that old chestnut, is no exception. Unresolved storylines are like that last piece of chocolate you thought you had in the fridge – disappointing when it’s not there. So, let’s talk about the loose ends that are making fans twitchier than Brooke Logan at an open bar.

Quinn and Carter’s Hot Mess of an Affair

Remember when Quinn and Carter were getting it on like teenagers whose parents were out of town? Yeah, how could we forget? But then, Quinn and Carter’s affair sort of vanished into thin air like a magician’s assistant. Fans are still picking their jaws up off the floor and wondering what the heck happened. Did they just get bored of each other or did Eric’s erectile dysfunction subplot take all the airtime? We need some closure here, people! And no, not just a casual mention in between scenes of Ridge brooding over his love life.

7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure

Thomas Forrester’s Mind Games

Thomas Forrester has been creeping us out for a while now with his life-sized Hope mannequin and general weirdness. But lately, it seems like his psychological issues have been swept under the rug faster than you can say ‘obsessive stalker’. But is he mentally disturbed or just an awful manipulating man? That’s the million-dollar question. And let’s not forget about those leftover drugs from when he drugged Liam – because that’s not sketchy at all. The show needs to stop tiptoeing around Thomas’ issues like it’s avoiding stepping on legos barefoot.

7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure

Sheila Carters Reign of Terror

Sheila Carter has more lives than a cat with a cloning machine. Her criminal activities have been a staple on the show, but what’s her endgame? It’s coming. Bold & Beautiful’s Carter and Quinn made an unexpected connection, but Sheila? She just keeps bouncing back like a bad penny. Remember when she shot Taylor trying to save Eric? Classic Sheila. And now, with Detective Sanchez coming back to town, maybe we’ll finally see some justice served – or at least another round of Sheila being Sheila.

7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure

The Hope and Liam Saga Continues

We’ve seen more back-and-forth between Hope and Liam than a tennis match at Wimbledon. Their relationship has more twists than a pretzel factory, as one research fact puts it: Hope and Liam went through a dizzying array of breakups and makeups trying to decide between their love and what was best for the baby. It’s high time the writers decide whether they’re going for a grand slam or just playing in the minor leagues with these two.

7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure

The Great Taylor Hayes Disappearing Act

Taylor Hayes’ vanishing act was so good Houdini would be taking notes if he weren’t, you know, dead for almost a century. She’s disappeared more times than my motivation on a Monday morning. But that plane crash? The amnesia? Getting mugged at an airport? Come on, it sounds like the writers are spinning a globe and throwing darts at it to decide her fate. Fans deserve to know if she’s going to pull another disappearing act or if she’ll stick around long enough for a cup of coffee.

7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure

Ridge Forrester Paternity Roulette

Ridge Forrester’s paternity saga has more question marks than The Riddler’s suit. Is he Douglas’ dad or is he just playing pretend? And what about all those other kids popping up claiming Ridge is their father? It’s like Maury Povich is waiting backstage with a stack of DNA test results. Fans need some definitive answers before Ridge starts questioning whether he’s even his own father at this point.

7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure

Brooke Logan’s Sobriety Rollercoaster

Last but not least, Brooke Logan’s battle with addiction was as heart-wrenching as it was short-lived. One minute she’s struggling; the next minute she’s fine – or is she? It’s like the storyline had as much stability as Brooke’s sobriety – which is to say, not much. Quinn spiking her drink didn’t help either; I mean, talk about throwing someone under the bus – or in this case, into the minibar. Let’s get real about recovery here and give this storyline the depth it deserves instead of using it as filler between Ridge’s furrowed brows.

7 The Bold and The Beautiful Storylines That Need Closure

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