Why Jon Hamm Jumped at the Bridesmaids Gig

Why Jon Hamm Jumped at the Bridesmaids Gig
Why Jon Hamm Jumped at the Bridesmaids Gig

Jon Hamm’s Unexpected Leap into Bridesmaids

Before Jon Hamm became the guy who made you laugh with his ridiculous portrayal of Kristen Wiig’s insufferable boyfriend in Bridesmaids, he was the man in a suit who could sell you anything, Don Draper. That’s right, our beloved Jon Hamm, known for his serious roles, decided to jump into the deep end of the comedy pool. And let me tell you, it wasn’t because he suddenly developed an allergy to drama.

From Mad Men to Funny Man

Why Jon Hamm Jumped at the Bridesmaids Gig
Before Hamm graced us with his presence in Bridesmaids, he was busy being very serious – like ‘I wear suits and frown a lot’ serious – on Mad Men. But as it turns out, playing Don Draper was just one flavor in Hamm’s acting ice cream shop. And while we all loved him in that role, Hamm’s career before Bridesmaids suggested that he might’ve been ready to serve up something different. You know, before we all got brain freeze from the same old drama scoop.

When Friendship Calls, You Answer

Why Jon Hamm Jumped at the Bridesmaids Gig
So what makes a dramatic actor jump ship and dive into a comedy? Could it be a friendship with someone as hilariously talented as Kristen Wiig? Rumor has it that Hamm and Wiig were tighter than Spanx on an Oscar night. So when Wiig probably hit him up and said, ‘Hey, wanna be a part of this little project I’m doing?’ it’s no surprise that Hamm jumped at the chance faster than you can say ‘comedy gold’. I mean, who wouldn’t want to work with their buddy if their buddy was as cool as Kristen Wiig? Hamm’s relationship with Kristen Wiig might just be one of those Hollywood friendships that pay off on screen.

Avoiding the Typecast Trap

Why Jon Hamm Jumped at the Bridesmaids Gig
Sure, being known for a particular role can be great – until it isn’t. And Jon Hamm is not one to be pigeonholed. After being Don Draper for so long, maybe he just wanted to remind everyone that he could do more than brood and look good in a fedora. Hamm’s desire to break typecasting was evident when he decided that making people laugh in Bridesmaids sounded like a refreshing change from making them cry or buy things they don’t need.

The Lure of a Good Script

Why Jon Hamm Jumped at the Bridesmaids Gig
Let’s face it, even the most serious actors have a funny bone they’re itching to scratch. And when you come across a script that is both hilarious and smart – like the one for Bridesmaids – you don’t just walk away. You run towards it with open arms and possibly some jazz hands. I got misty just watching the retrospectives they’ve shown, because [this show] means so much to me, Hamm mused about another project, showing that he’s not immune to sentimentality. So maybe, just maybe, the script’s appeal was too strong for him to resist.

The Magic of an Ensemble Cast

Why Jon Hamm Jumped at the Bridesmaids Gig
There’s something special about being part of an ensemble cast where everyone is bringing their A-game. It’s like being invited to the coolest party in town – you don’t say no to that invite. And with a cast as talented as the one in Bridesmaids, it would have been more shocking if Hamm had said ‘thanks but no thanks’. The opportunity to work with such an amazing group of actors probably felt like hitting the jackpot – or at least like finding an extra fry at the bottom of your takeout bag. The ensemble cast was definitely part of the charm that drew Hamm into the fold.

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