John Oliver Breaks Down The GOP’s Trumpcare Bill and Why It’s “Universally Hated”

John Oliver Breaks Down The GOP’s Trumpcare Bill and Why It’s “Universally Hated”

John Oliver Breaks Down The GOP’s Trumpcare Bill and Why It’s “Universally Hated”

I’d like to share an email I just received this morning pertaining to the political stuff we post here on TVovermind.   I’ve had to change around some words because it’s a little graphic but it goes something like this (everything in quotes you should replace with the expletive of your choice):  “Nat Berman you are a piece of “doggy doo.” I am sick of reading your political short stories. If I see one more “article,” it will be your last you “fargin” lowlife scumbag vacuum cleaner sucking “not the word kite.”

To whomever wrote that (since the email address was fake) I’d like to thank you for taking the time out of your day for that warning.  Yes, I’m Jewish.  And yes, on occasion I like to post about political issues.   I’m sorry you hate me but hey man, appreciate the love.

So let’s move on with another political post.   On Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, our British host (who isn’t Jewish) decided to dive into Trump’s new Healthcare Plan which he’s claiming is “universally hated” and that had to be PowerPoint explained by speaker Paul Ryan.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican or Democrat, the reception for this plan has been nothing short of confusing and mostly negative.  But you don’t need me to break it down.  You need John Oliver to do it because he’s much funnier.

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