The Rookie is ABC’s hit police procedural show that premiered back in 2018 and has been a fan-favorite since then, still leaves fans devastated by one of its earlier and most heartbreaking deaths. Starring Nathan Fillion as John Nolan, the oldest rookie at The Los Angeles Police Department, the show puts a brilliant spin on the classic crime genre — and what do we get? An excellent combination of high-stakes action with a comedic ensemble cast!
The Rookie Season 6 has just begun its run and will likely follow the same 20-22 episodes format. However, like all other TV shows, The Rookie too has a few unforgettable moments from past seasons. One that the audience — and even the characters on the show haven’t been able to get over is the death of Captain Zoe Andersen (Mercedes Mason). So, why does this death from The Rookie still hit so hard? Let’s find out!
No One Saw Zoe Andersen’s Death Coming in The Rookie Season 1
Portrayed by the talented Mercedes Mason, Zoe was one of the main cast members of the show. She was introduced in the pilot episode as the Commanding Officer of the LAPD. As Fillion’s character John Nolan pursues his dream of being a police officer in his 40s, he finds a friend in Andersen. While the rest of the crew was initially a little skeptical of Nolan, Captain Andersen recognized his potential and passion.
Not just that, Zoe was also happy to offer support to all the other rookies, including Jackson West, played by Titus Makin Jr., and Lucy Chen, played by Melissa O’Neil. The show immediately established a mentor of sorts. She was a well-rounded character who was honest with her work and truly cared about her team. So, of course, it was a total shock when the writers decided to give her one of the most tragic exits in the history of television.
Captain Andersen’s Death Added More Nuance to the Show’s Overall Vibe
It was extremely unexpected for the showrunners to kill one of its most beloved characters. But that is also what makes The Rookie so great. With Zoe’s death, the writers wanted to show what the reality of being a police officer is. In The Rookie Season 1, Episode 16, “Greenlight”, Officer Nolan faces the wrath of a white supremacist gang called Southern Front.
Now, while Nolan has a hit out on him, Captain Zoe offers to accompany him during his patrols. However, the two are lured into a trap by the Southern Front goons, and eventually, Zoe gets fatally shot in her neck, dying on the spot. So, not only was her death a complete surprise, but it was also cruel. However, one thing remains clear — Zoe goes out bravely and gives up her life to protect Nolan.
Mason was the first series regular to leave, but her character’s death set a precedent on the show. After that, the audience knew that just like in real life, sometimes, things just won’t work out for fictional characters either, making the show feel all the more relatable! But since Andersen’s death occurred so early on in the show, it made it hard for the fans to get over it, even still after six seasons in.
The Rookie Paid Proper Respects to Zoe Andersen in the Aftermath of her Death
Andersen’s death affected everyone in the precinct, especially John Nolan, who had developed a wonderful relationship with his commanding officer. She was the one person who believed in his dream just as much as him. So, following Captain Andersen’s death, it’s only fitting that Nolan is the one to arrest Midas, the gangster who killed her.
After that, the show never really “replaced” Zoe’s character. Captain Tom Weatherby, played by Greg Cromer was introduced as Captain Andersen’s replacement initially, but he ultimately got promoted to a new role at the LAPD GQ — and this was a good move. Mainly because both the audience and the character arcs were not ready for Mason’s character’s replacement so subtly. After that, the show never really brought up the question of Captain Anderson’s replacement. For now, Sergeant Grey is the commanding officer of the Mid-Wilshire division and that’s about it.
Captain Andersen’s Death Wasn’t Always Part of the Plan Though
Showrunner Alexi Hawley has gone on the record to confess that Captain Andersen wasn’t originally supposed to die. The writers spent a lot of time deciding whether they should go ahead with it, but ultimately, they agreed that the show needed a dramatic moment at that point in time. As heartbreaking as it is, Hawley thinks that the show can’t run away from creative choices like these, since they are the real stakes of this life Nolan has chosen. And if you love The Rookie, you’ll surely want to check out these 8 TV shows.