The world of anime was rocked by the arrival of Attack on Titan in 2013. 10 years later today, in 2023, the gripping series adapted from Hajime Isayama‘s wildly popular manga, has come to a thrilling end. The manga, which has sold over 100 million copies worldwide, plunged readers into a post-apocalyptic world where the remnants of humanity are pitted against monstrous, man-eating giants known as Titans. The anime was complex, dark, and gore and its plot circled around the same story of manga and its harrowing struggle for survival.
From the very first episode, viewers were thrust alongside protagonists Eren, Mikasa, and Armin into a desperate quest for freedom. Let’s take a journey through the Attack on Titan universe, understanding its seasons, the anticipation surrounding the series finale, and how it aligns with its manga counterpart.
Attack on Titan Universe Explanation
The lore of Attack on Titan is a bleak yet eerily fascinating one. It’s set in a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction due to colossal beings known as Titans. These seemingly insatiable giants have pushed humans to take refuge within enormous walled cities. The story follows Eren Yeager, his sister Mikasa Ackerman, and their friend Armin Arlert as they join the military to fight the Titans after their hometown is destroyed and Eren’s mother is killed by a Titan. As the series unfolds, the complexity of this titan-infested world expands. There are political games behind them. There’s a hidden history and a connection between the Titans and humanity that is far more intricate than it initially appears.
How Many Seasons Does Attack on Titan Have?
Attack on Titan anime has been released in four seasons. The first season, which debuted in 2013, consists of 25 episodes. The second season, aired in 2017, is shorter with 12 episodes. The third season, released in two parts between 2018 and 2019, totals 22 episodes. The fourth and final season, also divided into multiple parts, concludes the series with a culmination of episodes and specials. However, the final season’s releases and the confusing titles around it can be confusing so here’s a breakdown to understand it better.
Understanding the Attack on Titan The Final Season Releases
The Attack on Titan final season (Season 4) began airing in 2020 and is divided into several sections to fully explain the ending story. There are four parts in total. Part 1 has 16 episodes, followed by Part 2 with 12 episodes. Part 3, known as a special 1 episode, premiered in March 2023. The series concluded with the 89th episode, a standalone Part 4 special 2, on November 4, 2023.
Where to Watch All Seasons of Attack on Titan Anime?
Those who want to watch Attack on Titan have several streaming options. All seasons and episodes, including the grand finale, are available on Crunchyroll with official English subtitles. Hulu also offers the series for streaming. For those who prefer the English-dubbed version, Funimation is a go-to choice. The finale aired on November 4, 2023, but an English-dubbed version’s release date is yet to be announced.
Is the Ending of Attack on Titan Anime Same as That of Manga?
The ending of the Attack on Titan anime has been subject to immense anticipation but it was more or less the same. MAPPA did include additional scenes and some changes in pacing and presentation in the anime. The exact nature of these differences included additional character moments, extended sequences, or more detailed explanations that provide a slightly altered perspective on the conclusion of the story. The ending of the manga was extremely heartbreaking. Those who haven’t watched the final episode yet and haven’t read the manga either, consider this a potential spoiler alert.
The manga ends with Chapter 139, which was released in April 2021. In the final chapters, Eren Yeager activates the Rumbling, a cataclysmic event where countless Colossal Titans march across the world, crushing everything in their path, in a bid to annihilate the world outside of Paradis Island to protect his homeland. However, Eren’s friends – Armin, Mikasa, and the others – oppose his genocidal plan. They form an alliance with warriors from Marley, and together, they confront Eren, who has merged with the Founding Titan. The alliance fights a desperate battle against Eren’s forces, which include the Jaegerists and several transformed Titans.
In the end, it is Mikasa who manages to reach Eren. She confronts her feelings for him and decisively kills him to stop the Rumbling. After Eren’s death, the Curse of Ymir is lifted, and all the Eldians who were transformed into Titans revert back to their human forms. The alliance members act as ambassadors and strive to establish peace between the Eldians of Paradis and the rest of the world.