Give it up to Dave Pollot, these semi-classic paintings found in a thrift store might have been kind ‘meh’ before, but with his talent they’ve become something a lot more fun. Just think, it takes a bit of paint applied in the right manner and a boring, humdrum painting can become something you might be proud to showcase in your living room, or office, or even a man cave. Sometimes nice, peaceful art is a little too drab.
Photos via Dave Pollot
Terminator: Renaissance
Sent back to past to eliminate the original Connor that would one day spawn the infamous John Connor, the Terminator runs rampant throughout France. Tell me Cameron wouldn’t try something like that.
Sandworm on vacation
Because sometimes you wanna go where the beach just kind of gives up and lets the water in.
Bounty Hunter’s Ball
It’s Boba Fett’s toughest assignment yet. Infiltrate a masked ball and see the lady home safely at the end of the night. If anyone can do it, Fett can.
We all float out there.
Do you get the feeling that Pennywise might have finally gotten tired of the sewers? Or maybe he took the wrong tunnel and got washed out to the Atlantic.
Restlessness on Elm Street
It’s a hard world to live in when kids are no longer scared to go to sleep.
No Respect.
All that hard work, all that sacrifice, and he’s been outdone by a girl that just yesterday could barely hold a lightsaber.
Eleven kind of looks like she’s storming off after a particularly nasty fight while the guys don’t look too sure of what to do.
Narf. Point.
I mean really, what else is there to say when it’s Pinky and the Brain?
I want to see someone do this to the Kool-Aid man’s house and let’s see how great it is. It might be kind of funny though.
Come play.
Broken down-looking buildings, two creepy little girls in the middle of nowhere. Need I go on?
The Carving.
For every season, stab, slash, hack. There is a reason, to-run-away-and-don’t-look-back.
The Pink Nightmare.
I don’t care how namby-pamby the outfits were back then, this seems like it would have been ridiculed regardless of the era.
Be afraid, be VERY afraid.
The cat has the right idea and is trying to get away. The kid just seems clueless, at least for the moment.
Sparkling Ice
So what would the setting fatality be? Could a player smack the other guy hard enough to send him flying into the bay?
Working Pro Bono
I get the feeling the guys owed someone a favor that got cashed in for them to come out this far.
The Upgrade.
And how much do you want to bet that they’ll STILL get the wrong names on the cups?
I’m Batman!
If you thought he could kick butt in Gotham you haven’t seen anything yet.
Wouldn’t you know it? You take the boat out for the first time and that darn shark just has to ruin it.
Beach Bum Dobby
When he wasn’t out saving Harry Potter and the others Dobby was busy getting his tan on and surfing the waves man.
The Showdown Part II
My name is Space Lizard, you killed my hatchmate, prepare to die!
Okay, so I thought these were funny.