Jake and Finn’s adventure will soon be coming to an end. Cartoon Network announced on Thursday that the popular series Adventure Time, which centers on a teenage boy and his dog in a post-apocalyptic world called Ooo, will end after Season 9.
Adventure Time is currently in its seventh season. The show debuted on Cartoon Network back in April 2010, and it will continue to air through Season 9, which will end in 2018. When the series is finished its nine-season run, it will have aired 142 episodes.
In addition to being a popular show with fans, Adventure Time has also been a show that critics have enjoyed. Not only has the series won multiple Emmys, but it also received a Peabody Award in 2014
“Adventure Time was a passion project for the people on the crew who poured their heart into the art and stories,” creator Pendleton Ward said in a statement. “We tried to put into every episode something genuine and telling from our lives, and make a show that was personal to us, and that had jokes too! I’m really happy that it connected with an audience for so long. It’s a special thing, I think.”
“Adventure Time changed the definition of what a kids’ TV series could be, and it’s had a resounding impact upon popular culture around the world,” added Cartoon Network CCO Rob Sorcher. “Cartoon Network Studios is proud to have brought together this group of brilliant artists and animators who helped make Adventure Time one of the most critically acclaimed TV series of a generation.”
Adventure Time fans, are you happy that the series has an end date, or would your rather see it continue past nine seasons? Also, what’s been your favorite episode or moment from the show’s six-plus seasons so far? Comment below and let us know.
[Photo via Cartoon Network]