America’s Got Talent: First Top 5 Revealed. Judges Take Emoji Quiz.

America’s Got Talent: First Top 5 Revealed. Judges Take Emoji Quiz.

America's Got Talent

The votes are in. The first eleven acts that performed last night will now become the first group of the top five. Who will make it through? Let’s find out on tonight’s America’s Got Talent.

Bottom Three

Duo Transcend

Voices of Hope Children’s Choir

Samuel J. Comroe

Truth be told, my eyes went wide and my jaw dropped when Tyra announced that Duo Transcend is in the Bottom Three. Their performance was their best yet! How could they end up at the bottom?! Samuel J. Comroe and Voices of Hope Children’s Choir kind of deserved to be in this category because their respective performances did not have that wow factor. Samuel’s jokes were good but it did not make me laugh as much as before. Voices of Hope started off a bit weak in their performance so maybe that’s what landed them in the Bottom Three.

I rolled my eyes when they showed the segment of Howie pranking unsuspecting contestants during the audition phase of the show. The Canadian funnyman seems to do this every season where he dons a disguise and pulls a fast one on people. I don’t find it offensive, in fact, it’s the opposite of that. The eyeroll is done in an amused fashion. I did, however, chuckle when Heidi shaved and styled Howie’s beard into something that can only be described as something that a mischievous child would do to their parent or grandparent as they nap on the couch.

The part where the judges took an emoji name quiz actually made me think a little bit. Some were really easy to guess while others took a minute for me to figure out. Kudos to the AGT team who thought of this. Maybe this should be kept around for future seasons? Just a suggestion! The answers to the emoji quiz are as follows. For those watching at home and playing along, did you guess correctly?

Tape Face

Grace Vanderwaal

Mat Franco

Preacher Lawson

Olate Dogs

Simon Cowell

Tyra Banks

Fun times aside, it’s now time to get serious. The first five acts going through to the finals are:

Top Five (Group 1):

Shin Lim

Michael Ketterer


Duo Transcend (Judges’ save/America’s votes)

Samuel J. Comroe (Dunkin’ Save)

I had a feeling that Shin would be the first to go through given that Us the Duo’s performance wasn’t all that good in terms of stepping things up. The song they sang felt more like something one would listen to on YouTube rather than inside a large theater. The next four acts I kind of predicted that they would also go through. I mixed up Duo Transcend and Samuel J. Comroe when they got saved by the judges and the Dunkin’ Save votes respectively. I thought the former would be the Dunkin’ Save and the latter the judges’ save. At least I got the acts right so it’s a win-win. Oh, we have yet to hear from Mr. Garth Brooks with regards to writing Michael Ketterer a song. Too busy, Mr. Brooks?

There were a couple of acts that I felt sad to see them get eliminated. Like Junior New System and Front Pictures. They both gave it their all last night but it wasn’t enough to earn them a spot in the first Top Five. I hope that they don’t give up what they’re doing and to keep going. Who knows? Maybe we will see them on the AGT stage next year!

Next Tuesday, the final eleven acts will fight for a spot in the last group of top five acts, making the top ten acts to head to the finals. They are:

Daniel Emmet

Aaron Crow

Brian King Joseph

Noah Guthrie

Glennis Grace

Da Republik

Christina Wells

We Three

Vicki Barbolak

Angel City Chorale

Courtney Hadwin

Finally, the seven-member hip-hop boy-band from South Korea, BTS, will perform during the final results show next Wednesday. Don’t miss it! Also, a reminder that the AGT finals will air in two week’s time. Mark your calendars!

Photo via NBC

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