For nine seasons, American Horror Story has terrified audiences across the world with its unique and inventive stories, and exclusively on Hulu, the long-time franchise will expand into an anthology that will revisit certain stories to give a fresh and scary perspective on the world of American Horror Story. In light of this new tradition, here’s the list of three seasons that the show could explore a bit more.
American Horror Story Season II: Asylum
In the mind of many fans, Asylum was the second-best season of the American Horror Story saga. After all, how can you go wrong with corruption, a crazed psychopath, and aliens? Asylum followed Lana Winters as she uncovered the truth behind the walls of Briarcliff Manor, which as mentioned above, was a shady mental institution that explored several themes that highlighted the madness of Ryan Murphy’s mind. While we got the satisfying conclusion of Lana exposing the truth of Briarcliff and killing off the Bloodyface murderer, there are still some lingering questions that Asylum can explore.
First, The Aliens. Yeah, yeah, I know, many of the audiences weren’t big fans of the alien story involving Kit and Grace; however, Murphy diving further into the Alien concept could make for a fun and weird ride. The story can pick up on Kit’s abduction or rewind before Grace and Kit were the chosen victims.
Another one of the paths another season of Asylum could explore was one of the show’s big villains, Hans Grüper. We know about the past of the Nazi doctor; however, how did Grüper get to Briarcliff? How long has been conducting these experiments? What goes through the mind of this sick and demented human being? Grüper could be a compelling character to study that can provide more answers on why Dr. Arden was the man that he was.
American Horror Story Season III: Coven
There’s no doubt that American Horror Story Season three was a bit of a mess once it was all said and done; however, this was still one of the stronger chapters that had great ideas along the way. The series could go back to exploring the depth of Zoe’s power, which was mysteriously dropped after we first meet the young girl accidentally killing a young man because of her abilities. Another interesting character that could be explored was “The Axeman”, which is loosely based on the real-life serial killer that was never caught. There wasn’t much backstory given about Joe, but the details of the New Orleans serial killer could easily make for a juicy horror story that settles into the mind of the depraved lunatic.
The whole world exploring the witches could receive a tighter focus, namely, during the times of 1834, which was the main time frame the show focused on during the flashbacks. Let’s not forget the mysterious monsters Papa Legba or The Minotaur, or the extremely racist and murderous Madame Delphine LaLaurie. There are so many creative directions that each story can go. Like I stated previously, Coven may have been disjointed at times, but the pieces for another compelling chapter are all there.
American Horror Story: Hotel
Hotel was another one of the messy seasons of the American Horror Story; however, the concept of this chapter was brilliant. What’s even more interesting is the fact behind Hotel Cortez, which is based on the real-life hotel Cecil. The infamous place is known for its dark past of murders and suicide following the grand opening of the place in 1924. Hotel explored the modern day of the hotel with some notable killers such as James March (The Ten Commandments Killer), Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker), Jeffrey Dahmer, and even The Zodiac Killer.
Except for March, the other names only appeared on the episode, “ Devil’s Night”; however a full exploration of the Hotel could revisit the place when it was built in 1924. This was a couple of years before the Great Depression, so obviously the times and circumstances make for a unique perspective on why such heinous crimes took place at this specific hotel. We can also follow the killers that inhabited the hotel, which could lead to unexpected events and surprises.
There’s also the great character of James March, the madman who owned the hotel. Of course, Murphy and company give us the backstory of the Evan Peters character throughout the season but still, March is an intriguing fellow and it would be cool to see him as the protagonist of his own story. Why did he build the hotel? What’s the purpose of his killings? Or who is James March outside the hotel walls could be the topics that are given more light, should he be the main subject of the season.