Baby Daddy: Riley and Danny helps out Ben and Sam. Tucker jumps to conclusions.

Baby Daddy: Riley and Danny helps out Ben and Sam. Tucker jumps to conclusions.

Baby Daddy

Have you ever had friends who have the perfect relationship give you advice on how to be just like them? That’s how Riley and Danny feel in this week’s episode of Baby Daddy. There’s about to be quite a lot of misunderstandings along the way so let’s get right to it, shall we?

After Ben had bombed his first date with Sam, Riley wanted Danny to give his brother some pointers. The New York Ranger was adamant on meddling with Ben’s relationship and silenced Riley with a kiss. I agreed with Riley that Danny couldn’t kiss her every time they have a brief argument. Though it would be an excellent tool to have.

Both Riley and Danny then secretly gave Ben and Sam relationship tips. I know that they’re trying to help them, but to be honest, it’s a recipe for disaster. Danny told Ben to ignore Sam so she’ll want him more while Riley told Sam to play hard to get. That scene at the bar was a bit hard to watch. So much so I almost cringed. The scene in the back office was the same awkward cringe-fest. Sam, on the advice of Riley, wanted to have sex with Ben, and Ben, on the advice of Danny, kept his distance. If there’s a facepalm emoji, I will use so many.

While we’re on the subject of misunderstandings, Tucker has a new lady in his life. He stopped by his Dad’s office to pick up his cheque and asked a woman named Renee out. When Mr. Dobbs told his son that he had been crushing on someone named Renee at the office, Tucker immediately assumed that it was his Renee. After the truth had come out, Tucker had some explaining to do when his father said he liked a different Renee. That’s what you get for jumping to conclusions, Tucker! Oh, and get a better journal than that if you don’t want people reading your entries!

On a side note, I was a little confused when Ben and Sam each gave their versions of their first date. Then again, we all have different versions of the same thing. Kind of like chocolate. There are different flavours and types, but it’s still chocolate.

Photo via Freeform

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