The 20 Best House Quotes of All Time
House has been off the air for a number of years now, leaving FOX without one of its major hits, yet its legacy lives on in the form of binge watching forever
House has been off the air for a number of years now, leaving FOX without one of its major hits, yet its legacy lives on in the form of binge watching forever
For years, Dr. House imparted wisdom not only to those in his office, but also to us, the audience, watching him be a snarky, grumpy old man. He’s a sma
Season 7 of House kicks off exactly where season 6 ended. Cuddy went to House’s apartment after he lost the patient and is about to start popping Vicodi
I confess: I hadn’t seen an episode of House since the season six premiere, “Broken,” this time last year. While “Broken” was th