Scrubs:Â A Comprehensive Guide to The TV Series
Scrubs is an American medical comedy-drama television series created by Bill Lawrence. It originally aired for nine seasons between 2 October 2001 and 17 Marc
Scrubs is an American medical comedy-drama television series created by Bill Lawrence. It originally aired for nine seasons between 2 October 2001 and 17 Marc
Scrubs was a critically acclaimed medical comedy-drama television series that ran for eight seasons from 2001 to 2010 with the ninth season focused on student
With an opening sequence mirroring the first scene of the series, it’s no real surprise much of “My Last Day” feels like story covered in pr
Brendan Fraser’s pair of appearances in Scrubs‘ first two seasons mark the moments when Scrubs really tests the elasticity of its reality. R
Scrubs is often a show about failure – in fact, it’s primarily about failure, both personal and professional. For all the healing that’s
Since the first few episodes of Scrubs delved into the life and mentality of a med student (albeit in a person slightly removed from the classroom setting),
Existing in the aftermath of “My Bed Banter and Beyond,” “My Heavy Meddle” has to ride the fine line between reforming Scrubs‘Â
There’s a blueprint for “will they, won’t they” relationships on network television (especially “hangout” comedies): spend
“My Drug Buddy” is an important episode in the time line of Scrubs‘ first season: it is the definitive episode where the season’s big
“My Balancing Act” is about as typical an episode of Scrubs as there is, a sure sign that the show’s fully formed after a baker’s do